luxury bag testing



When we think about luxury bags, we think of the finest craftemanship, using the highest quality of materials, using a unique design which is hand finished to create something very special. Owning a Luxury bag is not only a functional accessory it’s a statement of owning something which is expensive and quality. Infact, the higher the quality, the more of an investment it can be, Luxury, well made bags are known to increase in value over time.


At Bureau Veritas we understand the stress a Luxury bag goes through during its lifetime, from abrasion from being in contact with other materials, functionality from constant opening and closing of zips and closures, to the durability of the handles carrying different items around. We have a range of tests to not only help you be compliant, but also help you make your products last longer and provide you with the test information to help you make your bags even better quality in the future.

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